the olympics came and went in the blink of an eye..
i wasn't looking forward to it but by the time they rolled around i had a huge sense that i was missing out since i didn't have tickets to a single event...all my colleagues were taking days off to watch fencing, athletics, equestrian, wrestling, and we weren't even allowed to have the tv on at work! on the final day i made an effort to go and watch the marathon.
the city wasn't nearly as kaotic as we all predicted and my journey to work wasn't affected at all. the weather stayed fine the entire time and there was happiness and a great sense british pride in the air, it was an honor to be here
on a couple of occassions i went down to potters fields park by tower bridge and watched the big screen with drinks. the photo above is what was behind us. i could not stop turning around, it was simply stunning! tower bridge really is a beauty
the paralympics officially start today and i'm hoping i can still get a ticket to olympic park to be part of the buzz